The Origins of the Pier Museum
In 1976 after a large fire the Pier was falling apart. The boom in continental holidays in the 1960s and 70s had led to a decline in people holidaying in British seaside resorts.
The costs of maintaining this important historical structure were increasing.
The council proposed to close and dismantle the pier. Local pier enthusiasts and a supportive general public led by Ron and Peggy Dowie formed a protest group to fight for the future of the pier.
Free Entry
Currently closed
until Easter

Protest is heard
In 1980 a festival was held to raise awareness of its plight. The Council was persuaded to rethink their plans and the Pier was saved.
With the stength of public support Peggy Dowie then founded the Friends of Southend Pier Museum Foundation in 1982. It was established to preserve the history of the Pier and create a museum for the benefit of future generations.
New Museum
By 1984, Southend Council who owned the Pier, approved a proposal to construct a museum in the redundant workshops below the Pier.
A small number of volunteers carried out the mammoth task preparing the buildings for Museum use, working every weekend for three years.
Official Opening
The Mayor of Southend, Councillor John Armitage, officially opened the Pier Museum on 8th July 1989, heralding the Pier centenary celebrations. At the same time the Pier Museum Trust was formed and the Friends changed its name to Southend Pier Museum Foundation.
The Pier Museum is independent, entirely self funding and operated by volunteers.
Most of the Museum’s extensive collection of artefacts were salvaged and were restored by volunteers and the Pier Museum Foundation.
In 2009 the Foundation and the Trust merged and the Collection is now owned and managed by the Southend Pier Museum Foundation Trust Limited (SPMFT).